May 28, 2015

Il Marchio dell’Alba, primo capitolo della nuova saga fantasy italiana “Le Cronache di Experya” scritta dall’esordiente Carlo Milani, è disponibile nei principali eBook store online in formato ePub e Kindle. Con la possibilità di ricevere a casa il romanzo stampato ordinandolo da Amazon o da oppure presso tutte le librerie del circuito Feltrinelli.

June 02, 2014

An old water mill hidden in the English countryside. It’s the scenario of “Flatford Mill”, by John Constable who was also the owner of the mill and in the valley had spent his childhood before he became one of the greatest landscape painters of the nineteenth century. From here takes its steps Carlo Milani exhibition: the photographer captured seasons in this rural landscape, then he shifts our attention to the urban setting of Cambridge, city rich of harmonious contrasts between ancient and modern.

May 08, 2014

And it renders reality in a different way. But it’s still true in the smartphone and Instagram era? Or photographers are incurable romantics who think they wield magical items?